TikiWiki – Cool But Buggy

Home Technology Software TikiWiki – Cool But Buggy

I have been using TikiWiki for years, and for the most part, it’s been a stable platform. Unfortunately, within the past six months, some of the features I have been using seem to have regressed to the point where they do not work anymore. In particular, I have Perspectives set up along with Workspaces so that way specific parts of the site are logically separated from each other. This functionality worked fine six months ago, but now when I create new links they are broken.

I can see what it appears to be doing, but my PHP skills are not great enough that I could possibly fix it to work right again. Anyway, the fact that it hasn’t worked for this long leads me to believe it’s either an issue with my particular setup… or I’m just plain doing something wrong. Either way, it is frustrating and I do not want to deal with it. It may be time to move to another application to host my site… probably WordPress, like I use for this site.

I like TikiWiki, but I spend more time trying to deal with the issues it is causing than actually creating new wiki pages for my story universe. In a way… it is stifling my creativity. We will see what happens. Until next time…