Category: Software

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Obsidian For Taking Notes

Obsidian is a powerful note-taking application that has gained popularity among users for its unique and innovative features. The application is designed to help users create and manage their notes in an efficient and organized way, making it an ideal tool for both personal and professional use. One of the main features of Obsidian is...


A Pitch for Apache Guacamole

Are you tired of using multiple tools and applications to remotely manage your IT infrastructure? Do you want a simple and secure solution for remote management? Look no further than Apache Guacamole! Apache Guacamole is an open-source remote desktop gateway that enables you to access your IT infrastructure from anywhere, using any device. With Guacamole,...


CrushFTP – A Very Useful File Transfer Server

CrushFTP is a popular file transfer protocol (FTP) server software that is used by organizations of all sizes to manage and transfer large files securely. It is a cross-platform software that runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and it offers a range of features that make it an attractive option for organizations looking for a...


Blackboard and Canvas – A Brief Comparison

Blackboard and Canvas are two of the most popular learning management systems (LMS) used by schools, colleges, and universities. Both platforms offer a range of tools and features to help educators create and manage online courses, but they have distinct differences that make them appealing to different groups of users. In this article, we’ll take...


Upgrading from CentOS 7 to CentOS 8

I decided to upgrade my install of CentOS 7 last night. It’s old and ready to be put out to pasture. So I found instructions on how to make the process happen. It took a while to work my way through them, and of course I had problems that didn’t match up with the instructions,...


WebDrive Strikes Out Hard — Back to ExpanDrive

I had been using WebDrive for the trial period and I was impressed. In general, performance was better than ExpanDrive, and it was a lot more stable. The trial expired, and I was about ready to make the purchase when something odd began to happen. Whenever I saved a larger executable to my OneDrive with...


ExpanDrive — An Overpriced Disappointment

If you are like me, and want to connect your cloud storage to your local machine, you inevitably go through all the different options available to you. First you try the cloud provider’s tool, which works better in some cases than others, and then you go out looking for a third-party tool that does it...


CrashPlan The Once Shining Beacon for Backup… Has Fallen

Four years ago, if you would have asked me which backup service I would recommend, I would have said CrashPlan in a heartbeat. Possibly even faster. They were economical, offered great service, had great plans for families, and were reliable. I have suggested the service to numerous people, and have used it myself since 2012....


TikiWiki – Cool But Buggy

I have been using TikiWiki for years, and for the most part, it’s been a stable platform. Unfortunately, within the past six months, some of the features I have been using seem to have regressed to the point where they do not work anymore. In particular, I have Perspectives set up along with Workspaces so...