Category: Astronomy

Home Science Astronomy

How to Experience the Total Eclipse of 2024 in Indianapolis

A guide for planning your trip to witness the rare celestial phenomenon Today is the day. A total solar eclipse will sweep across North America, creating a spectacle of darkness and light that will awe millions of people. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, blocking the sun’s...


The Night Sky Four Billion Years Ago

Four billion years ago, the night sky would have looked very different from what we see today. During this period, the Earth was in its early stages of formation, and the atmosphere and environment were vastly different from what we know today. Here’s what we can speculate the night sky would have looked like: The...


Falling into a Black Hole

Falling into a black hole is one of the most extreme and unusual experiences that can be imagined. A black hole is a region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. As a result, any object that gets too close to a black hole is inevitably...


The Night Sky One Billion Years Ago

How it Would Look It is impossible to accurately describe the night in the northern hemisphere one billion years ago with certainty since the scientific knowledge of the Earth’s environment and atmosphere from that time is limited. However, based on scientific data and research, we can make some informed speculations. One billion years ago, the...


Celebrating 50 Years of Earth Day

Today we celebrated the 50th Earth Day at home because of the novel coronavirus. I acquired wildflowers to plant throughout the yard to encourage native insects to thrive. But enough about me, this is about the Earth. The best way to celebrate it is with a speech from Carl Sagan called “The Pale Blue Dot.”...