I had been using WebDrive for the trial period and I was impressed. In general, performance was better than ExpanDrive, and it was a lot more stable. The trial expired, and I was about ready to make the purchase when something odd began to happen. Whenever I saved a larger executable to my OneDrive with...
Author: Matt (Matt Kennedy)
ExpanDrive — An Overpriced Disappointment
If you are like me, and want to connect your cloud storage to your local machine, you inevitably go through all the different options available to you. First you try the cloud provider’s tool, which works better in some cases than others, and then you go out looking for a third-party tool that does it...
CrashPlan The Once Shining Beacon for Backup… Has Fallen
Four years ago, if you would have asked me which backup service I would recommend, I would have said CrashPlan in a heartbeat. Possibly even faster. They were economical, offered great service, had great plans for families, and were reliable. I have suggested the service to numerous people, and have used it myself since 2012....
SimCity 4 – A Short Review
SimCity 4 is the last great SimCity game. If you skip SimCity: Societies and SimCity (2013), you won’t be missing too much. In fact, you may be better off never having dealt with them. So let’s jump right into it. I’ve been playing SimCity 4 since 2003. The region I have been working on has...
11/11 – Veterans Day
Let’s take a moment to thank those who worked hard to keep our country safe! Thank you veterans!
TikiWiki – Cool But Buggy
I have been using TikiWiki for years, and for the most part, it’s been a stable platform. Unfortunately, within the past six months, some of the features I have been using seem to have regressed to the point where they do not work anymore. In particular, I have Perspectives set up along with Workspaces so...
DOTA 2 – Back Again
Oh DOTA 2, it’s been quite awhile hasn’t it? Over three years since the last time I played you. And yet here I am again, waiting to play a bot match again. So much has changed, and yet so much has stayed the same. I have almost 1,000 hours of DOTA 2 time logged on...
Surviving Mars – A Short Review
I received Surviving Mars as a free game from the Epic Games Launcher this past weekend. If you hurry, you can also get it until October 17th. They release a new game for free every Friday, so you have a little bit of time to install the client and download the game before they make...
We Can Do Better!
I’m back from a trip to Canada, and I’m impressed with what I saw there. Lots of children out and about, people enjoying themselves, and a much more patient and friendly attitude than I typically see here in the United States. I think I heard one person use their car horn the entire time I...
Stocks are up!
Well, at the moment they are anyway. This past month has been a roller coaster ride full of ups and downs — mostly downs. We’re starting to shift into the Trump uncertainty economy. Things will no doubt get worse from here. It’s the beginning of 2019, and we’re still down more than 10% over last...